21st part

Aman's car was on the way that he got Nupur's message. He immediately drops Roshni home and leaves for the hospital. When he reaches the hospital, he gets known from Nupur that Meera had stabbed vishal with a knife. Aman gets very stressful for his father… Yes, what Vishal did with Meera was wrong, but he is his father and loves him very much, does not want anything to happen to him. Aman doesn't like Meera's way of taking revenge. According to his, she kept quiet for years, she did not take help from the police, and now she wants to kill his father. And his brother is harming the family. So Aman decides that he will sort out the matter by meeting Meera.

In the morning, Vishal gets discharged because the injury was not very deep… They come home…

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